- My wife for trekking around with me from brewery to brewery always being willing to try something new.
- Belgium for creating some of the worlds most creative and tasty beers all inside one tiny little country.
- Germany for sticking to the Reinheitsgebot and making this Helles lover happy.
- Friends and Family who encourage me to write.
- Maryland breweries all too happy to welcome tiny bloggers inside their business for a closer look.
- Beers brewed to style.
- Brewers that say style be damned.
- CCMABBD (Continental Congress of Mid-Atlantic Beer Blogger Doctors) for being a great group of trusted beer bloggers and friends
- Oliver Gray for being a level headed thinker and wizards of words.
- Bryan Roth for looking to data to backup andecdotal claims and being the first blogger I noticed doing this thankful game.
- Jake Scholan aka Hipster Brewfus for being funny as hell and having the courage of his convictions.
- My brother Matt for brewing beer with me despite major shortcomings in my brew game.
- My readers. Because everyone likes an audience.
- Generous restaurants and breweries who help make doing a blog like this a little extra rewarding
- Union Craft Brewing Old Pro Gose
- Cask Ale without cookies
What are you thankful for? Your time....starts....now.
For more giving of the thanks check out these blogs:
For more giving of the thanks check out these blogs: